Goldfishbowl Swim School
Call (08) 8931 1000 Email gfish2@bigpond.com
"Where the Water is Warm and the Teachers are Cool"
The Only Fully Covered, Temperature Controlled Pool in Palmerston
Parent & Child
Class time 30 minutes
8:1 student/teacher ratio
Parents are in the water with the children in these 3 levels of classes, creating a one to one teaching environment which will enhance the learning process. Our role is to teach parents to teach their children.
1. INFANTS: Age group 6 to 18 months
Infants are taught four basic water survival skills through gentle game play. These are breath control, mobility (turning skills), simple propulsion (kick and paddle) and safe exits. Parents should regard early water familiarisation exactly for what it is: a valuable exercise in promoting a child’s overall development and a skill whereby the risk factor in an accidental immersion is minimised. “Infants learning through game play.”
2. TODDLER CIRCUIT: Age group 18 months to 3 years
The skills introduced in the infants program are reinforced. The progressions in all skills will be noticeable as your child grows and develops. There are less group activities in these classes, the overall aim of this circuit is for parents and toddlers to enjoy water play and aquatic activities together, while learning basic water safety and survival skills.
3. TRANSITION: Age group 3 to 4.5 year’s old
These classes are designed for children who have successfully completed the infants/toddlers classes. They have a high skill base but are too young to be separated from parents. All safety skills continue to be reinforced, such as star floats and torpedo's are introduced. A high level of propulsion is achieved (polar bear swimming) with some advanced children learning basic freestyle skills. From these classes children will progress to standalone classes (no parents) “Well done mum and dad for all your hard work!”